Thursday, November 29, 2012

Afterburner featured on Local 15 TV in Mobile, AL

Afterburner was featured on Local 15 TV in Mobile, AL in a segment titled "Veteran Uses Military Techniques In Medical Practice". During the segment, Dr. Max Rogers expands on his military career and background and how he’s applied his military strategies to the healthcare industry in Mobile by creating Afterburner Healthcare. He also discusses the Afterburner method and how it's growing through franchising. Click here to read the entire article.

Many will head out this weekend for events honoring the many veterans who call the Gulf Coast home. We sat down with one local vet who has used the techniques he learned in the military to build a successful medical practice.

Doctor Max Rogers is an OB/GYN practicing in Mobile. On display in his office alongside medical degrees are model fighter planes.

"I will never be able to truly shake my military roots," says Dr. Rogers, "especially the Marine Corps roots and aviation."

Before entering medical school, Rogers spent seven years as a pilot in the Marine Corps. He's taking a military technique called "flawless execution" and putting it to work in his practice.

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