Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hiring Military Veterans

There are numerous reasons more employers should be looking to hire veterans, but reason number one is simple, veterans make great employees. For instance veterans are disciplined, resilient, efficient, and have strong character amongst many other great qualities employers look for. We came across this great article on that makes some more fantastic points about why veterans make such good employees. Click here to read the entire article.

Hiring Military Veterans—How Your Company Can Benefit

By Elaine Dumler

Lately there has been a lot of concern in articles and blogs about how many new employees are coming into companies lacking the loyalty, dedication, and work ethic employers have come to expect from a generation earlier. True, times are changing, but there is an employee base returning to the workforce that comes with many of these values intact—our military veteran.

In this time of economic turmoil when jobs are scarce and so many of our vets are returning from overseas conflicts, utilizing your armed services workforce can help an employer see cost savings in recruitment and training of good employees. What makes a veteran such a sought after employee? This is what many military employers are finding:

· Individuals who live the military lifestyle have a background of commitment: to themselves, to each other, and to an employer who treats them well. This commitment and loyalty fosters their need to go above and beyond when asked to complete a project. They are prompt and used to reporting for work on time and know the importance of a professional appearance and presence. Military employees know how to take responsibility for projects, tasks, and personal actions. They are trained to see things through to their conclusion. They are trained not to leave their post until the job is done. How refreshing it would be to have employees who will stick with you as an employer?

· The military lifestyle is different, and it instills values that are vital to a thriving business. These include resiliency, respect, patience, trust, and honesty, all of which translate into skills that are a valuable commodity to the personal nature of your business.

· Veterans arrive with the skills, personality, and understanding to do a good job, but often don’t know exactly where to put those skills to work. Caring companies, like yours, can help them refine and apply those skills.

· Military personnel have served in an environment where leadership skills, such as being highly motivated and displaying an attitude of dedication to an employer, are mandatory. They come to you with these skills already embedded into the way they conduct business.

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